working leaked passwords for innocenthigh discovered by James

preview image of leaked passwords for innocent uploaded on Tuesday 19th of February 2013

below the user/ passwords for innocenthigh

User/Password Combination # 1 U:wjWAqnOoGGGq P CqNldYoKWFtD // daily usage exceeded

User/Password Combination # 2 U:mxoTdUjFlXQp P VfZRLtvvrjxd // limited usage

User/Password Combination # 3 U:HWczHwUcOdAR P NacgAWzmmhRG

User/Password Combination # 4 U:tEAaaucPyDGl P DJrdFRqSYhzI

User/Password Combination # 5 U:DvwKCXsLSFtN P TxMWZnGNsaTA

User/Password Combination # 6 U:SLHjpcFZFDsq P wYKkRhWOhjvV // working fine

those teens are more high then innocent