functinioning tested passwords for wierdjapan exposed by Terence

preview image of tested passwords for wierdjapan uploaded on Monday 18th of February 2013

below the user/ passwords for wierdjapan

User/Password Combination # 1 U:JwmMePBPjlbd P dhcJAjJMIBXv

User/Password Combination # 2 U:uiRPybnxHXjs P wwRfVsRwbGIj // pass okay

User/Password Combination # 3 U:XqvfhkEjxbQu P ljRIaWDtOZuv

User/Password Combination # 4 U:mJomGEHMMSqV P psMJDVAlWxOq // valid 3 days

User/Password Combination # 5 U:WwESWQPuFgGu P SnRiWBiTyOud // 3 Month Pass